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Proven Success: 90%
grade improvement;
75% higher test scores

A private tutor is a private instructor who teaches a specific subject or skill to an individual student or small group of students. Such attention ideally allows the student to improve knowledge or skills more rapidly than in a classroom setting.
Customized ​Learning

For each new student, we carefully evaluate his or her strengths, needs, and goals to develop a personalized learning plan that works best for him or her. Then, as students begin working in our rich digital curriculum, our teachers and Success Coaches carefully monitor daily data about students’ performance and adjust the learning program to meet their needs.
We used estandards pshycological evaluations as pshychometrics and Academic Achievement.
Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

A tutor provides expertise, experience, and encouragement.
They do not provide "answers," but rather assist in problem solving, in getting answers.
The challenge is to focus on assignments within the context they are assigned.
Tutors should not be expected to diagnose learning disabilities.
Diagnosis should take place outside of the tutoring process by a professional academic counselor. If a larger problem becomes apparent, referral is the best strategy.
Online Tutory

Online tutoring is a new way for a student to receive help, either scheduled or on-demand. Sessions are done through an application where a student and tutor can communicate. Common tools include chat, whiteboard, web conferencing, teleconferencing and other specialized applets which make it easier to convey information back and forth. For example, there are specialized applets designed specifically for mathematics which allow the use of mathematical symbols.
Online tutoring has been gaining popularity over the past couple of years due to the ease of being able to connect to a tutor at moment's notice when help is required. This is especially effective when a student is studying for a test that is scheduled for the next day at school and is stumped on a particular problem. Not all online tutoring companies offer an on-demand tutoring service.
In The News
Courses online in mathematics
Is a special program design to help a student to recuperate one year in 3 months.
New Format
Online math learning
Tutory Online in english for mathematics.
Completly reports for the parents and stundents.
Stundent performance and improvement reports.